Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Do YOU Want From YOUR Government?

I know, personally, I want my government to listen to what I have to say. If I feel like an issue is important, I want to KNOW that I can communicate that to my representatives. And not only that, but know that they will actually do something about it.

Being a soon-to-be-college-graduate, I feel like I'm concerned with what the everyday, regular (REG) American is worried about: jobs and the economy. Plain and simple. We all need money to survive right? Whether you want to retire on a beach, soaking up the sun until your skin is leathery, or hole up in the South Dakota mountains with man's best friend and a rifle, you still money to do it, right?

Jobs. Economy. That's what I care about.

What do YOU care about? Let's hear in the comments.


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