Tuesday, April 26, 2011

We All Bleed Red

The United States is in a desperate situation. Our economy is struggling. Unemployment runs rampant through a majority of our cities. Political parties, democrats, republicans, libertarians, independents, tea party supporters, literally everyone, has recognized these as huge problems that need fixing. Each branch of political thought has its own "plan" for fixing the issues.

This is great, competition breeds innovation. However, there come times when the need is so dire that we HAVE to work together in order to accomplish the same goal. I believe that time is now. Ronnie Dunn said this very powerfully when he sings:
"Sometimes we're strong, sometimes we're weak, sometimes we're hurt and it cuts deep. We live this life, breath to breath, we're all the same; we all bleed red."
America is in critical need of solutions. Right now, I don't give a damn if one person, or a combination of 50 people, proposes the Golden Plan. I just want a friggin' answer.

We all need jobs. We all want a thriving economy. We all want lower gas prices. We all want to not stress over financial problems.

We all bleed red.


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