Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Little, Too Late

In the hole. In the red. Outstandings. Deficit. DEBT. They all mean the same thing. And they all describe the situation the United States is in right now.

Obama gave his speech on the nation's debt recently. He highlighted his plan to overcome the nation's tremendous amount of money owed. Among other things, he plans on $1 TRILLION in new taxes. WHAT THE $#@%! I barely scraped by this year's tax season with my dignity. There are 311 million people in the United States. If the extra trillion were to be divided equally (I know it's not, chill out.) each person would be paying an extra $3,200. I don't know about you, but I'm having trouble filling my gas tank at $50/tank. Ain't no way I have an extra 3 grand laying under my couch cushions.

Mitt Romney responded to Obama's plan swiftly:
"President Obama’s proposals are too little, too late. Instead of supporting spending cuts that lead to real deficit reduction and true reform of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, the President dug deep into his liberal playbook for ‘solutions’ highlighted by higher taxes."
Too little, too late? Sounds a lot like Mitt has been listening to his country music lately. One of my favorite country artists (mainly because of his massive support for our troops), Toby Keith has a song that kind of describes how people are feeling right now towards the President. The song?

Mitt has to be a country fan. And I like that.



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